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General description

Attention Disorder with or without Hyperactivity (ADHD) is a neurobiological disorder of the brain.


ADHD should be investigated  overall therapeutic strategy.

Our team includes doctors and psychologists  specialized in behavioral disorders in children, adolescents or adults.  Our  center  is recognized and validated in this type of screening and follow-up for ADHD.

A portion of children diagnosed with ADHD also show symptoms in adulthood. In adults, the symptoms must therefore already have started in childhood when treatment is initiated. Management requires a complete therapeutic program,  and may include psychological, educational and social measures, and if necessary medication may be indicated.

The diagnosis must be made according to the current DSM criteria or the ICD classification (the DSM and the ICD define the diagnostic criteria according to the World Health Organization and expert consensus).

Your practice is an approved ADHD center

This condition can produce the following symptoms that significantly affect school, social, or family functioning:


- Symptoms of inattention  : for example, frequently forgetting one's business, not being able to concentrate on a task for long, being often in the moon, starting several things at the same time but without finishing them


- Symptoms of hyperactivity  e.g. having difficulty staying still or sitting still, frequently squirming hands or feet, having difficulty remaining silent in stimulating activities, always being in action as if driven by a motor


- Symptoms of impulsivity  : answer systematically before the end of the question or finish the sentences of the other person, have difficulty waiting for their turn.

Who can help you

Other Disorders


Psychiatrist by training

Many skills

Also available in English

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