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What happens during a session  ?

After giving us the necessary information to get an appointment with a specialist, you will be welcomed  at the secretariat on the day and at the scheduled time.

You will then give us your insurance card so that we can fill in everything we need to complete your file. If you have a delegation voucher, you can send it to us. We will have you sign a form for the electronic handling of your invoice ( more details here ). The administrative process is then complete. Your therapist will come  you look for.

At the end of the consultation, you can leave without going back to the secretariat, unless you need to. 

Tests and screenings


Our  psychological tests  will allow you to better understand your behaviors and reactions. And change them!

Psychological assessment requires an overview.

Generally the questions asked during the interview are supplemented by a series of tests,  the results of an isolated test having only limited value.

The different approaches

Among the main families of psychotherapy, there are:


The cognitive and behavioral approach  makes it possible to obtain an improvement already in the short term. CBT is the form of psychotherapy whose effectiveness has been best demonstrated.

Phobias and obsessive disorders, addictive behaviors and eating disorders, stress-related disorders and illnesses, personality disorders are the main indications.

This approach is intended to be scientific and incorporates recent discoveries in neuroscience.



Developed by Sigmund Freud, psychoanalysis has set itself the goal of discovering the source of psychic suffering in the depths of the unconscious, in order to reduce it. It is based on an essential idea: it is the forgotten events of childhood which form the content of the unconscious and are at the origin of our adult neuroses. As Jean-Nicolas Despland and Luc Michel explain in the collective work Treatise on Comparative Psychotherapy, “the ultimate ambition of psychoanalysis consists in wanting to make the subject free of his choices and his life”. If the sessions on the couch - several times a week for years - are still practiced today  it is more common for therapists to offer face-to-face sessions, once a week. Such a method is indicated for many problems, emotional and relational.


As for systemic orientation therapy , it is based on the principle that an individual's problem belongs to a system and that each element of the system is part of the problem and the solution. A symptom is not considered as an independent dysfunction, but as a behavior of adaptation to a context. The patient is not the only one who has to change for healing or relief to occur. A session can bring together the whole family, the parental couple, the siblings, a single member. There is no standard pattern, but the therapist aims for everyone to express their suffering in the face of the situation and for the others to become aware of it. Any form of psychic disturbance – experienced in a family or a couple – can be addressed by this approach.

Focusing is a psycho-corporal approach that takes into account the person as a whole beyond the body-mind split. It relies on a precise, effective and direct process that does not stop at analysis and logical or interpretative deductions but relies on the experiential level. It teaches us to cultivate a certain inner attitude to apprehend our problems differently and to put in place favorable conditions to find new solutions. This experiential approach is supported by a humanist vision of man

Person centered therapy.

The person-centered approach considers that  the patient has within him the solution to his problem as well as the necessary resources  to solve it. The therapist will thus establish an authentic relationship in a reassuring climate “made of facilitating psychological attitudes” allowing his patient to express his current experience and to access his resources.


Audience :  All 

Note : 

  • learning disabilities

  • Impulsiveness

  • Memory disorders following brain damage (stroke, brain trauma, etc.) or psychiatric disorders

  • Memory complaints of aging adults

  • Attention difficulties  

Strong points

  • Scientifically and clinically validated remediation (50 research carried out on clinical groups and 110 in progress)

  • Structured, intensive and short program for rapid improvement in difficulties

  • Implementation of alternative protocols

  • Intervention independent of any pharmacological treatment

  • 3 age-appropriate programs

  • A new easy-to-use interface

  • A long-term improvement in performance in daily life 

Approche cognitive
Orientation systémique
Approche centrée sur la personne
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